What does an Electronics Engineer do?
The role of an electronics engineer can vary greatly. One can have a broad role as a generalist or a more specialized role where one focuses on a narrower area.
In smaller organizations with fewer engineers, the work tends to be broader. In such cases, one will work with everything related to electronic design, such as drawing electrical diagrams and making circuit board layouts, conducting technical studies to arrive at the right solution, working towards production to ensure that what is built meets the requirements, and working towards regulatory requirements to meet the requirements for CE marking the product.
At OIM, the work is usually broad, ranging from prototype building to measurement and verification and testing at external testing facilities. Sometimes, existing products need to be updated, for example, to adapt the product to new requirements when the product or the environment changes.
In a specialized role, one can become an expert in a smaller area such as power electronics, or radio, or a specialist in high-frequency signal layout.

Three quick questions
We asked three quick questions about our electronics engineer Jonas Storm.
What is the best thing about your role?
The best thing about working as an electronics engineer is that you never stop learning. There is always something you didn’t know before, so you are constantly challenged and need to think differently.
Any fun projects?
I worked on three fun major projects last year. An electrochemical measuring instrument, a cognitive and sensory stimulating aid, and a product for internal electro-surgical cancer diagnosis and treatment. It´s hard to decide which was the funniest.
Your dream project?
It’s always fun to work on projects that integrate many different solutions, perhaps involving a motor, something to be measured, and data to be processed. It would also be fun to build something that could be driven, such as a personal electric vehicle or some kind of drone.
Why did you choose to become an Electronics Engineer?
I’ve always wanted to understand how things work, and electronics can seem a bit mysterious. It’s hard to understand how something works just by opening up a box and looking at the circuit boards. That’s why it felt especially exciting to understand more about how electronics work. The fact that it also seemed like an industry with good development going forward was also positive. Plus, it was a fun challenge!

What programs do you use as an Electronics Engineer?
A primary tool that I use is a CAD tool called Altium. Often, a simulation tool for electronics is also used, and then I usually use LT-Spice.

Do you find the knowledge you gained during your studies useful in your daily work?
You benefit from the knowledge you gained when studying to become an electronics engineer. You get a good scientific foundation that is of great use when electronics need to interact with reality in one way or another. For example, to understand what type of sensor is suitable for measuring something. During education, you get good problem-solving strategies that come in handy, but in reality, it’s usually not as mathematical as in school.

What sets OIM apart from other companies you have worked for?
At OIM, all employees work together to solve the problems and challenges that exist or arise. Responsibility does not end in one’s discipline, but here everyone helps each other and takes overall responsibility to ensure that the product reaches its final destination. Everyone is ready to help even if it is not their area.
Here, one must be prepared to share their knowledge and have the willingness to receive knowledge from their colleagues. There is a high level of openness and a low level of prestige.
No one tells you how to solve a problem, but you get to work in a creative process with a lot of freedom and flexibility. You have the freedom to come up with the best solutions.
I think it’s really fun to go to work!
Some tips for those who want to become Electronics Engineers
As a recent graduate, you may often feel pressured to be an expert after all those years in school. But the field is broad, so there will be many things you don’t know. Be prepared to learn more and question your assumptions about how things work. It’s a very exciting journey to constantly learn new things.
As an electronics engineer, you can have many relationships with suppliers and customers, so it doesn’t hurt to have some people skills to build long-lasting relationships and collaborations.

Do you want to work as an Electronics Engineer?
Check if we have any available positions or call us at +46 40-13 13 69. You can also contact us via the form below!