Verification & Validation Engineer
What does a Verification & Validation Engineer do?
Verification & Validation involve testing a product by examining, experimenting, and reflecting on how the product works, how it reacts, and what results it delivers.
You also come up with ideas, so the main task is to find what others haven’t thought of. Tests are important from day one, such as questions such as: What happens if I press this button or if I turn here?
You also get to verify the final product, write assembly instructions, build test cases, and write a test plan. The test plan should be so well written that anyone can test the product.
At OIM, my everyday life has been filled with tasks to ensure that the products we develop for our customers maintain standards and good quality. So far, I have built V&V plans, and test cases, checked which test cases we can run in-house, talked to external test houses and accredited labs for tests that need to be performed externally and finally have a dialogue with the customer so that they feel safe throughout the process.

What is the best thing about working with verification and validation?
The best thing about the role is that you are allowed to ensure that a product is as good as it can be! Plus, it’s really fun to figure out areas of use for the products and test them that way and make sure it work perfectly in all situations.
It’s extremely fun to work with products and be involved from idea to final product. In addition, being able to work with products that can change another person’s life is very stimulating.
In a word, varied, in a positive way! There are a lot of new things to tackle and no real template to follow, so every task becomes a positive challenge.

Three quick questions
We asked our Verification & Validation Engineer Oskar Karnehall three quick questions.

Do you have a dream project?
I would have loved to work with VR/AR/XR. I am also interested in seeing ideas based on Blockchain technology. Of course, the nerd in me wants something in the gaming direction as well.

What programs do you use?
There is a lot of use of Microsoft’s Office suite, Word, Excel, Outlook and even an image editing program such as Word, Excel, Outlook. Greenshot, which is good to use when creating test cases and assembly instructions.

What projects have you worked on?
I have been working on a MedTech project in robotic medical assistance. A really fun project that will be able to make a big difference for people.
Read more abount Tendo here.
What did you study to become a Verification & Validation Engineer?
I started a Fullstack (KY) training aimed at programming in 6 months, where I was introduced to testing by a guest lecturer and was completely sold. Then I decided to take the ISTQB certificate through education, which is a very good foundation where you get all the basic knowledge. I think my education gives me an extra head start when it comes to software because I can easily keep up with the code when I test.

What makes OIM different from other companies you've worked in?
At OIM we work with physical products and this is completely different from how I have worked as a test and verification engineer before, when I was focused on testing software.
The people here are wonderfully nerdy, we are like-minded individuals who also like to delve into details in our different areas. In addition, having the opportunity to follow the creative products and solutions that are constantly produced is a fun journey to be part of.
Oskar's five best tips for becoming a better V&V Engineer
Immersing yourself in documentation is an important quality.

Must be good at communicating, it is important to understand the colleagues to see how their solution comes about.

Documenting! Aim for anyone to be able to understand what you are documenting, KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) is a good watchword in the way of thinking.

You are never fully learned, never ignore the opportunity to grow and absorb new information, it benefits you in the end!

If you are unsure about something, dare to ask! I try to follow this Chinese proverb as best I can: “He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.”

Do you want to work as a Verification and Validation Engineer?
See if we have any vacancies or call us on +46 40-13 13 69. You can also contact us using the form below!